Monday, September 30, 2024

Reaching the next level of vacation slave

As you already know I have many duties as slave and it is my task to make the life of my Master easier. I also strive to become more an more useful for Him and become better over the years.

In recent years I already had planned our vacations and gave Master several options to choose from.

Master would then ask for the pros and cons and decide. But our last summer holiday was different. For the very first time I planned and organized our whole vacation and only asked Master when it was absolutley necessery. We traveled for two weeks and changed locations four times in between. I put weeks and probably months in research and booked the hotels, the transportation between the various islands and cities we visited and the tours we would do on each days. I asked Master if He wanted to know more information. But Sir said something like: "No, I want to be suprised. You know what I want and like. Plan accordingly." And I did - I booked hotels, trips and transportation Master would enjoy. 

At every step of our vacation I knew what we could visit, where we should be when for the next trip and where potential good restaurants would be. Master could totally focus on enjoying the days, knowing that everything was planned accordingly, without doing micromanagament. I also paid for most of the stuff forehand, so Master would not be bothered with money exchange etc. At the end of the trip I told Master all expenses and Sir reimbursed me His half. Just to be clear: it was not findom, but just a way to be of service to Master. 

We both enjoyed the vacation! Master could just relax, knowing everything was taken care of and I could enjoy the little suprises during our trip. A private tour I had reserved, a suite in the last hotel, locations that offered things Master would hopefully would enjoy. Master has also given me feedback what I could have done to make the vacation even better. So this helps me learn and become better in serving. And hearing the occasion "Well done, slave" was the best reward to receive!

If you have any question or comments about this post let me know in the comment below. You can also find us on:

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Blogentry #278

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